Tampa Catholic High School

Parish Pastoral Council

Contact Information

Holy Name of Jesus Parish Office



The Parish Pastoral Council is concerned with implementing, at the parish level, the mission of the Diocese of Harrisburg.  The primary goal of the Parish Pastoral Council is total and continual parish spiritual renewal and outreach.

The mission of Holy Name of Jesus Parish is to follow the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Roman Catholic Church and expressed through the Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg.  Holy Name of Jesus Parish is committed to worshipping the Lord and as a community seek to be of service to the family of God.

The Parish Pastoral Council serves as a connecting link between the Diocese of Harrisburg and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, communicating and supporting the policies and programs of the Bishop to the faithful, making full use of diocesan resources to meet the needs of the parish community.

The Pastor is solely responsible to the Bishop of Harrisburg for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the parish.  The parish Pastoral Council does not directly share this responsibility, but exercises it in a consultative role to the Pastor.

Listed below are the parishioners who currently serve on the Parish Pastoral Council at Holy Name of Jesus Parish.

  • Judy Wrabel Bullock
  • Mary Egan
  • Donna Giberti
  • Michael Kelemen
  • Madeline Kueber
  • Deric Moody
  • Daniel Morneault
  • John Purcell
  • Dean Shields
  • Gary Smith

Parish Organizations

List of Services

School Organizations

List of Services

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