Tampa Catholic High School

Parish Advocacy Ministry

Contact Information

For more information contact:

Holy Name of Jesus Parish Office



The Parish Advocacy Ministry assists the Pastor in working for and with parishioners with disabilities to become full participants in the life of the parish spiritually, physically and socially. Specifically, Parish Advocates:

  • Identify persons and assess unmet needs, gifts, and interests as related to parish life
  • Assess accessibility of parish facilities
  • Work with pastoral staff and parish program leaders to promote invitation and inclusion
  • Serve as a resource to parish
  • Inform the parish about events hosted by the Diocese of Harrisburg's Ministry with People with Disabilities


  • Interpreted Mass: There are two locations for Masses for the deaf offering ASL interpretation. St. Joseph Parish (400 E. Simpson St, Mechanicsburg) has Mass signed in ASL by Fr. Tom Rozman every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Confession available in ASL by appointment.
  • Sensory-Friendly Mass: St. Joan of Arc Parish (359 W Areba Ave, Hershey) hosts a quarterly Mass for persons with sensory sensitivity or other disabilities. Dimmer lighting, no music, a shorter homily, and other adaptions are included to promote a fully inclusive environment.

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