Bishop McDevitt High School
For more information visit Bishop McDevitt's Website or call 717-236-7973.
Holy Name of Jesus School is a partner school with Bishop McDevitt High School.
For 100 years, Bishop McDevitt has created an environment to foster knowledge, service, spirituality and talents. Bishop McDevitt is a college preparatory school. The academics are challenging to push each student to their fullest potential with their collegiate goals in mind. Bishop McDevitt encourages this from the moment students enter school as a freshmen. Teachers understand the need to challenge the academic strength yet recognize and assist with the struggle.
Boy Scouts of America
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Boy Scouts of America
Contemporary Guitar Choir
The Contemporary Guitar Choir’s primary function is to provide liturgical music for the 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass throughout the year.
Contemporary Guitar Choir
Council of Catholic Women
The Holy Name of Jesus Council of Catholic Women (CCW) was founded at the beginning of our parish, by a small group of women who shared a commitment to our faith and the moral values of God and our Catholic Church.
Council of Catholic Women
Funeral Meals Ministry
This ministry provides a small cold luncheon after the funeral Mass, if the family so desires. We have several committees:
Funeral Meals Ministry
Girl Scouts
HNJ Girl Scouts welcomes all girls in kindergarten through high school in our multi-level troop.
Girl Scouts
In November, 1982, Bob Wright, a second degree black belt and a Green Beret veteran of the Vietnam war, announced in the church bulletin of a karate class forming at Holy Name.
Knights of Columbus
If you are a practicing Catholic man, age 18 or older, we welcome you to join the leading organization of Catholic laymen.
Knights of Columbus
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a world-wide lay apostolate in the Catholic Church.
Legion of Mary
Music Ministry
“Whom shall we send…and who will go for us?” “Here I am Lord…send me!” These words are sung every year during graduation at Westminster Choir College!
Music Ministry
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) provides a powerful system of fertility education and charting.
Natural Family Planning
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is concerned with implementing, at the parish level, the mission of the Diocese of Harrisburg. The primary goal of the Parish Pastoral Council is total and continual parish spiritual renewal and outreach.
Parish Pastoral Council
Parish Advocacy Ministry
The Parish Advocacy Ministry assists the Pastor in working for and with parishioners with disabilities to become full participants in the life of the parish spiritually, physically and socially.
Parish Advocacy Ministry
Prayer Line
Our parish has a Prayer Line consisting of about 60 members.
To place someone on this line, please contact the Parish Office. It is important that you first obtain the permission to do so from the individual or a family member. Names may also be printed on our public Prayer List (bulletin & website), if desired.
Prayer Line
Respect Life
The Respect Life Ministry at Holy Name of Jesus leads efforts throughout the year to help end abortion and restore respect and legal protection for every human life.
Respect Life
Saint Monica Society
Join us in prayer for those family members who have lost their way from the Catholic Faith and provide community and prayerful support for one another. Meetings will be held the second Saturday of each month, 9:00-10:00 a.m. in St. Bernardine Hall.
Saint Monica Society
DID YOU KNOW? Holy Name of Jesus has a chapter of the St. Vincent DePaul Society.
That Man is You!
Attention men! Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Be a better husband? Become a more loving father?
That Man is You!
Wings of Yarn Ministry
The Wings of Yarn Prayer Shawl Ministry was formed in 2007 and has become a source of comfort to others in need.
Wings of Yarn Ministry
Women of Grace
The Women of Grace® Study Program leads women on an exciting journey to discover the gift of authentic femininity™, holiness of life, and woman's purpose and mission in the world today.
Women of Grace
Youth Athletics
Boys CYO Basketball, Girls CYO Basketball, Track & Field, Soccer
Youth Athletics
Boys CYO Basketball
The Holy Name of Jesus CYO Boys’ Basketball program offers a recreational activity in which friendly competition enables young athletes to develop their skills without the pressure of winning at any cost and within the CYO tradition of placing winning and losing into a Christian perspective.
Boys CYO Basketball
Girls CYO Basketball
This program is open to all girls in grades 5-8 registered with HNJ Parish and attending either HNJ School or Religious Education.
Girls CYO Basketball
Track & Field
St. Margaret Mary's is welcoming Holy Name of Jesus School & Religious Education students in grades 3-8 to compete on their 2022 Track & Field team this spring.
Track & Field
HNJ Youth Ministry
Holy Name of Jesus Youth Ministry: (Re)ignite the Fire!
HNJ Youth Ministry
Boy Scouts of America
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Boy Scouts of America
Girl Scouts
HNJ Girl Scouts welcomes all girls in kindergarten through high school in our multi-level troop.
Girl Scouts
In November, 1982, Bob Wright, a second degree black belt and a Green Beret veteran of the Vietnam war, announced in the church bulletin of a karate class forming at Holy Name.
Youth Athletics
Boys CYO Basketball, Girls CYO Basketball, Track & Field, Soccer
Youth Athletics
Boys CYO Basketball
The Holy Name of Jesus CYO Boys’ Basketball program offers a recreational activity in which friendly competition enables young athletes to develop their skills without the pressure of winning at any cost and within the CYO tradition of placing winning and losing into a Christian perspective.
Boys CYO Basketball
Girls CYO Basketball
This program is open to all girls in grades 5-8 registered with HNJ Parish and attending either HNJ School or Religious Education.
Girls CYO Basketball
Track & Field
St. Margaret Mary's is welcoming Holy Name of Jesus School & Religious Education students in grades 3-8 to compete on their 2022 Track & Field team this spring.
Track & Field
HNJ Youth Ministry
Holy Name of Jesus Youth Ministry: (Re)ignite the Fire!
HNJ Youth Ministry
Holy Name of Jesus students that are currently enrolled in 7th & 8th grade have the opportunity to join the Bishop McDevitt Wrestling Team.
Field Hockey
Bishop McDevitt High School located at 1 Crusader Way Harrisburg PA 17111
Field Hockey
In conjunction with Bishop McDevitt High School, the elementary grade schools offer an instrumental music program for all interested 5th-8th grade students.
All girls in grades 1-8 attending Holy Name of Jesus School or Religious Education may cheer for HNJ basketball.
Children & Youth Choir
Children & Youth Choir will meet on Thursdays in the former church/all purpose room.
Children & Youth Choir
Chorus is for 3rd & 4th grade students. Students will perform at Christmas and the Night of the Arts. We will normally meet every Wednesday at Recess.
Drama Club
Stay tuned for more information!
Drama Club
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is an afterschool program like no other!
Girls on the Run
HNJ Student News
HNJ Student News is an activity at Holy Name.
HNJ Student News
Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise is for the selected students. Students will perform at Christmas and the Night of the Arts. We will normally meet every Wednesday after school.
Joyful Noise
Liturgy Choir
Liturgy Choir is for 5th to 8th grade students. Students will perform at Christmas and the Night of the Arts in addition to Friday Mass at school. We will normally meet at Recess.
Liturgy Choir
The mission of the Holy Name of Jesus Parent/Teacher Organization is to render service and support to the school and faculty by nurturing and fostering spiritual growth, academic enrichment and philanthropic initiatives within our Catholic school community.
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math
Student Council
As leaders of the school, all eight graders participate in Student Council.
Student Council
Bishop McDevitt High School
Holy Name of Jesus School is a partner school with Bishop McDevitt High School.
Bishop McDevitt High School
Fall Festival
Fall Festival
Holy Name of Jesus Church
6150 Allentown Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2603
Phone: 717-652-4211
Fax: 717-652-2033
Holy Name of Jesus School
6190 Allentown Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2603
Phone: (717) 657-1704