Sacrament of Penance is available in the Church every Saturday, 9:00-9:30 a.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m., or by appointment
Baptisms are held every Sunday after the 12:00 (noon) Mass. Parents are expected to view the baptism instruction video before the Baptism of the child.
Baptismal Registration forms can be found in the Parish Office or on our website.
Godparents must be practicing Catholics, age 16 or older, have already received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and, if married, married in accord with Catholic Church Law.
Baptism Information
Baptismal Registration Form
Sponsor Form for Godparents & Confirmation Sponsors
Matrimony: Diocesan Common Policy requires nine to twelve months advance notification of the priest or deacon and attendance at marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Diocese of Harrisburg Marriage Preparation Guidelines
Visitation of the Sick: Please notify the Parish Office when a member of the Parish is in the hospital or if someone is unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive Communion.
Persons with Celiac Disease: Persons with this challenge are usually unable to receive the normal wheat host used for Mass. We provide a separate chalice for the reception of Holy Communion at each Mass. As the Eucharistic Ministers are receiving Holy Communion at the altar, please come forward to the front of the Church and someone will bring the chalice for you to receive the Precious Blood.
Holy Name of Jesus Church
6150 Allentown Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2603
Phone: 717-652-4211
Fax: 717-652-2033
Holy Name of Jesus School
6190 Allentown Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2603
Phone: (717) 657-1704